Once upon a time, in a modest Italian sea town, a timid dreamer was born who could only find solace in books, characters and stories. His heart belonged to pen and paper. Fate had chosen: he was not to be anything else but a writer.
The young man set off on a quest: to move to London (UK), his favourite books in his luggage, a dream pulsing deep in his chest, determined to change the world with the power of stories.
Since then, Antonino Lupo (with Anthony L. Wolf as his pen name) has helped countless creative professionals, companies and clients tell meaningful stories to the public. He’s worked to drive change in the creative industries during his time at Creativepool; he’s been in gaming journalism for a few years, mostly freelance, writing content for sites with which he shared a vision. He’s written and self-published video games and tabletop adventures, sharing that vision with the world. Now he is using all those precious insights to serve gaming and tech clients, as he keeps crafting meaningful stories to bring positive change into the world.
Anthony is working on his first novel, Changing Eyes, inspired by “Bad Harvest”, the short story that almost won the 2019 Orwell Society Dystopian Fiction Prize. He is currently employed at Battenhall, the global communications consultancy for the social media age, where he’s helping the team deliver first-class innovation on a global scale with the power of storytelling.